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Green Energy Autonomy

Hydron is revolutionizing the vital energy supply for every activity of our modern societies with autonomous production of green electricity, heat, fuel for the mass market of hydrogen vehicles and more.  Ever since we first started developing our hydrogen autonomous energy technologies, we follow our vision to bring self-sufficient and fully green energy to every community, across the world. We have been steadfast in our vision to push the upper limits of the green energy technologies to the new green Hydrogen Economy. Today, our Hydron autonomous green Microgrids empowered with our revolutionary green hydrogen compact reactors are the product of our multi year scientific Research & Development. They represent a significant technological advancement towards our next-gen economy and civilization, with fully autonomous green energy and water production.
Societies and communities are able to be energy and water self-sufficient and power up their future with fully green energy.


Hydron green hydrogen autonomous reactors have compact standard sizes and can be used in permanent or temporary cases and locations, practically anywhere in the world. We design them to seize renewable green energy and store it in hydrogen through water electrolysis for any desirable duration.
Our hydrogen reactors are empowered with our innovative green electrolysis process, purification and storage technology. Green hydrogen produced in Hydron autonomous reactors is at the heart of our Green Microgrids that can power up houses, schools, public buildings and the exponentially growing mass market of hydrogen vehicles.
The produced green hydrogen can stay stored for very long periods and can be released on demand to match 100% the fluctuations of energy demand of the connected communities. Hydron green autonomous Microgrids provide full independence from the grid, fossil fuel and other energy grids.
Hydron cloud platform and its green reactors innovative Artificial Intelligence provide optimal green hydrogen and energy production management, storage and usage operations.
The production of fully green and autonomous hydrogen energy reduces humanitarian crises, as the creation of climate refugees due to extreme weather, droughts, and threats to social stability and livelihood.
Green hydrogen economy saves lives and highly powers up the social and economic future of our civilization.

  • Autonomy
  • Compact size
  • Green Electrolysis
  • High PEM efficiency 
  • High longevity 25+ years
  • Full heat, electricity and hydrogen fuel autonomy
  • Portability
Green Hydrogen Reactors 2.0

Hydron 2.0 reactors synoptic specs with fully powered up green electrolysis.

SpecsLarge XMedium MSmall S
Input Power50 Kw25 Kw15 Kw
Green Hydrogen1 Kg/h0.4 Kg/h0.15 Kg/h


Hydron’s Autonomous Green Microgrids users produce their own green electricity and heat with zero emissions. Green hydrogen produced in Hydron’s Autonomous Green Microgrids is versatile green energy platform and can be easily converted to heat with hydrogen boilers and green electicity with Hydron’s innovative fuel cells, with clean water as the main byproduct. Hydron Microgrids users are independent from the old utility energy distribution model.



Hydron’S Autonomous Green Microgrids users can easily add our innovative green hydrogen fuel dispensers to their Microgrid platform. This will enable them to create their private hydrogen Micro fuel station, fully capable to refill their hydrogen cars autonomously, as well as to recharge their battery cars with Miccrogrid recharging stations. Hydron Microgrids users are independent from the old energy distribution model of fuel stations and other energy grids. They can refuel their cars with their private Microgrid green hydrogen fuel station. Green hydrogen energy produced with Hydron autonomous green Microgrids can fully power up the exponentially growing mass market of hydrogen as well as battery vehicles.


In the first quarter of the 21st century almost 30% of the global population is facing significant challenges to access the vital for human life drinkable water. Additionally, the natural water deposits pollution, and the aging of the existing water grids, create serious challenges to the production and distribution of clean and fresh water, even to the most advanced economically societies.
The explosive growth of the global population and the global warming further increase the challenge to the access of fresh and clean drinkable water to many societies worldwide.
Hydron revolutionizes the way societies access drinkable fresh water, with decentralized and autonomous clean water production with its Atmospheric Water Reactors-AWR. Our AWRs accumulate the water molecules from the humidity in the air in normal atmospheric conditions, condense them in liquid water and through their advanced purification treatment provide water ready for use.
Our AWR are installed with an easy plug and play process, and supply autonomously the vital drinkable water for human life. Our AWRs have a very wide range of use cases: households, offices, hotels, islands, isolated societies, areas with polluted water and aging water grids, and many more.
Hydron’s innovative autonomous Hydrogen Green Microgrids, in combination with the AWGs autonomous drinkable water generators provide the invaluable security and stability to our societies worldwide, for the next-gen social developments in the 21st century.

Autonomous Atmospheric Water Reactors 1.0

Hydron 1.0 autonomous atmospheric water reactorsreactors synoptic specs with fully powered up.

Input Power18 Kw9 Kw4 Kw
Drinkable Water2,000 Lt/day1,000 Lt/day500 Lt/day
Dimensions3.13x1.58x2.03 m1.58x1.58x2.03 m1.00x1.58x2.03 m

Hydron Inc.
7480 SW 40th Street
MIAMI, FL 33155

+1 305 975 4579


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