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Autonomous Green Electricity

There’s a very good rule of thumb for a green future :

Power up everything with 100% Green Electricity.

Replace technologies that still run on combustion, like gasoline vehicles and methane gas heating and cooling, with alternatives that run on electricity, like electric vehicles and heat pumps. Get as much of our energy consumption as possible hooked up to electricity.

The need for electrification is well understood for green future. For decades, Electricity was dirty and the process of generating it and transmitting it involved substantial losses, so from an energy conservation point of view, the best thing to do was often to burn fossil fuel on site in increasingly energy-efficient devices.


The context for energy production, distribution and use has changed over recent years, alongside with the exponentially growing concerns over global warming and pollution. Avoiding dangerous climate change and polluting the environment  means getting as close to ABSOLUTE ZERO CARBON emissions as possible, as fast as possible. 

Consumer energy technologies have two basic categories: A. those that run on electricity and B. those that directly combust fossil fuels like oil, gasoline, natural methane gas, or biomass. E.g. electric battery or electric hydrogen cars versus gas cars.

Today we know with great accuracy, how to get production of electricity down to zero carbon. There are options as: wind, solar, hydro, and geothermal, for the production of green electricity, in combination with the capability to store it to green hydrogen. This process enables the production, distribution and use of green electricity on demand and  carry on board to power up fully green vehicles, at zero emissions. 

Since we know how to produce and use 100% clean electricity, beginning replacing combustion tech with fully green electrical tech is vital for our green future.



Today most consumers get their electricity mostly from the grid, even those who also contribute to the grid with rooftop solar panels. When you are connected to a grid, everything you use that runs on electricity is, in carbon/climate terms, as clean as that grid.

This has some profound implications, because as long as we are reducing carbon on the grid, every single electrical device is getting cleaner throughout its life, automatically. 

To reduce the carbon with the grid and eventually bring to zero emissions has significant challenges, because the grid is:

  1. Old and complicates that creates high cost to maintain,
  2. Exposed to challenging weather phenomenons and geographical morphology, as inter-island connections and through elevated mountains,
  3. Unable to store energy, which creates the continuous confrontation of keeping balanced the flow of the  volatile production of green electricity with renewables as solar and wind, with the demand from consumers.
  4. Slow to adapt new technologies,
  5. Weak to support the exponential growth on demand of electricity worldwide, as its expansion needs decades of planning. The adaption of Artificial Intelligence and battery cars are expected to increase the demand of electricity by 40% until 2040. 

The curve in the picture above shows the asynchronous supply and demand on the grid in California.


The path of transition of our global economy to green is going through the production of, distribution and use of 100% green electricity. One of the best ways to achieve this is through Autonomous Green Microgrids.

Hydron Autonomous Green Microgrids overcome all the challenges of the centralized grids, are fully green and guarantee the transition to zero emissions at fast pace and very economically.  

They are fully capable to provide 100% Green Electricity for:

  1.  Residential Communities.
  2. Small and Medium size Business.
  3. Commercial Buildings and Malls.
  4. Charging stations for Battery Electric tic Cars EVs.
  5. Refueling stations for Hydrogen Electric Cars FCEVs.

The production of fully green and autonomous electricity energy reduces humanitarian crises, as the creation of climate refugees due to extreme weather, droughts, and threats to stability and livelihood.
Green electricity economy saves lives and highly powers up social and economic of our civilization.

  • Autonomy
  • Compact size
  • Green Electrolysis
  • High efficiency 
  • High longevity 25+ years
  • Full heat, electricity and hydrogen fuel autonomy
  • Portability

Hydron Inc.
7480 SW 40th Street
MIAMI, FL 33155

+1 305 975 4579


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